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SunSirs: The Price of 2-EH Fluctuated and Fell This Week
June 17 2024 15:12:16SunSirs(John)

The price of 2-EH fluctuated and fell this week

According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, as of June 14th, the price of 2-EH was quoted at 10,040 RMB/ton, a fluctuation of 1.18% compared to the price of 2-EH on June 7th at 10,160 RMB/ton. This week, the price of 2-EH had fluctuated and fallen, and downstream factories were facing difficulties in sales. Enterprises had average enthusiasm for raw material procurement. Shandong's large factories had average shipments, while the price of 2-EH had declined narrowly, with downstream purchases mainly focused on small orders.

This week, the price of raw material propylene rose first and then fell

According to the propylene commodity market analysis system of SunSirs, as of June 14th, the propylene price was quoted at 6,993.25 RMB/ton, an increase of 1.14% compared to the fluctuating price of 6,914.6 RMB/ton on June 7th; The price of propylene decreased by 0.21% compared to 7,008.25 RMB/ton on June 12th. Crude oil prices fluctuated and consolidated, while propylene cost support still existed. This week, propylene prices first rose and then fell; Downstream production of propylene had decreased, downstream customers purchased just as needed to, propylene manufacturers had average shipments, the supply and demand of propylene market were weak, and propylene prices were fluctuating and consolidating.

Downstream plasticizer prices had fluctuated and fallen this week

According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, as of June 14th, the price of plasticizer DOP was 10,250 RMB/ton, a fluctuation decrease of 1.44% compared to the DOP price of 10,400 RMB/ton on June 7th. The market for plasticizer raw material PA had declined, the price of 2-EH had fluctuated and fallen, the cost of plasticizers had decreased, plasticizer DOP enterprises were operating steadily, and the supply of plasticizer DOP was sufficient. Downstream construction is expected to rise, while demand is expected to rebound. The support for the rise of plasticizers still existed.

Market outlook

According to 2-EH product data analysts of SunSirs, in terms of cost, the price of propylene first rose and then fell, while the cost support for 2-EH still existed; On the supply side, 2-EH manufacturers had low inventory and average shipments; In terms of demand, downstream plasticizer product prices of 2-EH had fluctuated and fallen, and downstream demand is expected to rebound in the future. Overall, the tight supply and demand for 2-EH are expected to rebound, while cost support remains. It is expected that the price of 2-EH will consolidate strongly in the future.

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