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Metal Silicon News
2024-07-26 14:27:10 SunSirs
Price trend According to the analysis of the SunSirs' market monitoring system, on July 25th, the reference price for the domestic market of silicon metal
2024-07-17 15:39:30 SunSirs
Price trend According to the analysis of the SunSirs' market monitoring system, on July 17th, the reference market price for domestic silicon metal #441 Is
2024-07-11 15:19:09 SunSirs
Price trend In early July, the overall price of metal silicon in the market showed a weak downward trend. According to the commodity market analysis
2023-08-23 14:56:42
According to customs data, the domestic export volume of metal silicon in July 2023 was 47000 tons, a year-on-year decrease of 19% and a month
2023-07-27 15:12:41 SunSirs
Price trend Recently, the quotation of metal silicon remained stable, with a strong willingness to stand up in the Southwest regions. As of July 26th,
2023-07-07 15:08:42 SunSirs
Although most non-ferrous metals declined, copper and gold prices were relatively strong. Among them, copper increased by 2.93% in the first half of the year,
2023-07-07 15:08:44 SunSirs
Analysis review The overall weakness of the non-ferrous metal market in the past six months is mainly due to three reasons: Macroscopically weak. The intensity of the
2023-07-07 15:08:46 SunSirs
Price trend According to the data monitoring of SunSirs, in the first half of 2023, the nonferrous metal index rose first and then fell in
2023-06-20 10:19:33
On June 19th, the benchmark price of silicon in SunSirs was 13610.00 RMB/ton, a decrease of -3.95% compared to the beginning of this month (14170.00
2023-06-15 13:56:18 SunSirs
Price trend On the 14th, the price of metal silicon continued to decline deeply, mainly due to a significant reduction in prices by major factories in
2023-03-28 09:07:15
On March 27, the benchmark price of silicon metal in Sunsirs was 16,890.00 RMB/ton, a decrease of -5.96% compared with the beginning of this month
2023-03-07 09:48:45
On March 3, the price of Longji monocrystalline silicon chip was updated, and M6 and M10 rose across the board. Single-crystalline silicon chip P-type M10 150
2023-02-10 09:01:07
According to the data of China Iron and Steel Industry Association, in late January, the social inventory of five major varieties of steel in 21
2023-02-03 14:31:09
According to the market operation monitoring system of the Ministry of Commerce, the national market price of edible agricultural products last week (January 23-29) was
2023-02-02 11:44:13 SunSirs
441# silicon price trend The market price of silicon metal remained low in January. As of the 31st, the national silicon metal quotation was 18,350
2023-02-01 09:10:26
On January 31, the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) released a monthly report on Tuesday, showing that the US crude oil and refined oil demand
2023-01-30 13:47:33 SunSirs
441# silicon price trend According to the monitoring of SunSirs, as of January 29, the average price of 441# metal silicon in the domestic market was
2022-12-30 11:52:10
In 2022, the price of silicon will be greatly disturbed by the epidemic situation, the structure of supply and demand, and the supply side (power
2022-11-29 14:28:27 SunSirs
441 # silicon price trend This week, the price of silicon metal continued to decline, and the downstream domestic and international market atmosphere was cold.
2022-11-01 10:12:04 SunSirs
441 # silicon price trend The market price of metal silicon was stable in October. As of the 31st, the quotation of metal silicon nationwide
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