Price trend
The listing price of Sinopec East China was executed at 6,150 RMB/ton, and the listing price of Sinopec North China was executed at 6,250 RMB/ton. At the beginning of the week, the port for shipping and cargo was limited, and the inventory at the port decreased slightly. However, the purchasing intensity before and after the holiday was average, and the replenishment sentiment was not high. Many people followed up with replenishment after the holiday based on price trends. From the perspective of the mainstream market in East China, the market price of acetone has dropped to 5,900-5,950 RMB/ton, while the negotiated price in South China was between 6,050-6,100 RMB/ton. The trading atmosphere in the market was average, and many traders had a high intention to offer discounts on actual purchases, resulting in a downward fluctuation in prices.
The acetone offers in major mainstream markets across the country on January 21st were as follows:
Area |
Quotations (RMB/ton) |
Daily Change (RMB/ton) |
East China |
5,900-5,950 |
-30 |
Shandong |
6,100 |
0 |
Yanshan |
6,150 |
0 |
South China |
6,050 |
-100 |
Market outlook
In the short term, as the Spring Festival approaching, market trading follow-up gradually weakened, and the acetone market will maintain a weak operation in the short term. The pre holiday interval is adjusted, and it is expected that the negotiated price in East China will be 5,900 RMB/ton.
If you have any enquiries or purchasing needs, please feel free to contact SunSirs with