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SunSirs: The Acrylic Acid Market Was Stable with Some Growth (December 19-22)
December 25 2023 11:17:15SunSirs(John)

Price trend

This week, the acrylic acid market remained stable with some gains. According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, as of December 22nd, the average quoted price of acrylic acid in East China was 6,200.00 RMB/ton, an increase of 0.20% compared to Monday's price.

Factors affecting the price of acrylic acid:

Cost side: According to the commodity market analysis system of SunSirs, the domestic propylene (Shandong) market had recently seen a slight increase, with increased support for the cost side of acrylic acid.

Supply and demand side: Some factories in Shandong had shut down their facilities on the supply side, supporting the mentality of enterprises to raise prices. The intention of holders to lower their prices had weakened, but downstream was in the traditional off-season of consumption, and the enthusiasm for inquiry and procurement was not high. Follow up on demand was the main focus, and actual market transactions were average.

Market outlook

According to acrylic acid analysts from SunSirs, as of the 22nd, there was strong cost pressure on acrylic acid, and some regions had plans to shut down their facilities. However, during the off-season of demand, inquiries and procurement follow-up were limited. It is expected that the acrylic acid market may be stagnant and consolidated in the short term, and more attention still needs to be paid to market news guidance.

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