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R22 R134a News
SunSirs: The Refrigerant Prices Were Mixed with Rise and Fall (May 13-17)
May 22 2024 15:42:48SunSirs(John)

Price trend

According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, as of May 17th, the average price of refrigerant R22 was 25,666.67 RMB/ton, an increase of 3.36% from the beginning of the month price of 24,833.33 RMB/ton, and an increase of 25.2% compared to the same period last year.

According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, as of May 17th, the average price of refrigerant R134a was 30,933.33 RMB/ton, a decrease of 0.22% from the beginning of the month's price of 31,000.00 RMB/ton, and an increase of 22.91% compared to the same period last year.

Analysis review

Entering mid May, the upward trend of upstream raw material prices had slowed down, while hydrofluoric acid prices had remained stable this week. Chloroform prices had risen by 0.73% this week, and the overall cost of raw materials continued to increase. At the same time, with the support of downstream demand for R22, manufacturers maintained a price mentality, and some enterprises had slightly increased their factory prices, driving the domestic R22 market prices to continue to rise at a high level.

Entering mid May, the overall prices of upstream raw materials remained stable and continued to move forward. The procurement of downstream trading entities slowed down. In order to stimulate shipments, some enterprises slightly lowered their factory prices, driving domestic R134a prices to fluctuate slightly.

In terms of raw materials, the overall price of hydrofluoric acid in China was temporarily at a high level, and the sustained high cost of raw materials will provide strong support for the future domestic refrigerant prices.

Market outlook

According to refrigerant analysts from SunSirs, with the dual support of cost and demand, it is expected that the prices of domestic refrigerants R22 and R134a will continue to remain strong in the short term.

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