Price trend
According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, the reference average price of 85% thermal phosphoric acid in China was 6,660 RMB/ton on December 1st, and 6,630 RMB/ton on December 26th. The price of thermal phosphoric acid in China has dropped by 0.45% this month.
According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, the reference average price of 85% wet process phosphoric acid in China was 6,983 RMB/ton on December 1st, and 6,983 RMB/ton on December 26th. The price of wet process phosphoric acid in China has remained stable this month.
Analysis review
In the first half of December, the price of thermal phosphoric acid rose slightly and then remained stable, while the price of wet process phosphoric acid remained stable. The supply and demand of the phosphoric acid market were balanced, with no significant fluctuations. Downstream on-demand procurement led to a sluggish market transaction atmosphere. In the second half of December, the price of thermal phosphoric acid fell weakly, while the price of wet process phosphoric acid fluctuated slightly. The raw material phosphorus yellow market has weakened, cost support has weakened, and the price of thermal phosphoric acid has been lowered. Supported by downstream demand, the wet process phosphoric acid market remained strong. As of December 26th, the ex factory price of 85 thermal phosphoric acid in Hubei region was around 6,600-6,850 RMB/ton, and in Sichuan region it was around 6,400-6,700 RMB/ton. The domestic market price for 85 wet process phosphoric acid was around 6,900-7,150 RMB/ton.
Raw material phosphorus yellow market: This month, the market price of phosphorus yellow has weakened and fallen. Downstream procurement was cautious, resulting in a decrease in new orders in the market. This month, the operating rate of phosphorus yellow has declined, and the market supply has decreased. At the end of the month, the market stopped falling and rose. It is expected that domestic phosphorus yellow prices will consolidate in the short term.
Market outlook
SunSirs’ phosphoric acid analyst believes that the phosphoric acid market has been running steadily in recent days. As of December 26th, the raw material phosphorus yellow market was pushing up, but the upward space was limited. The phosphoric acid market was mainly wait-and-see, with flat market trading. It is expected that the domestic phosphoric acid market will consolidate smoothly in the short term.
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