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Acetic acid News
SunSirs: Market Situation of Acetic Acid in Dome Regions of China on September 4th
September 05 2024 10:48:58SunSirs(John)

On September 4th, the acetic acid market in South China continued to decline

The acetic acid market in southern China continued to decline, with a factory price of around 3,150 RMB/ton for self pickup and a price drop of 50 RMB/ton. The factory inventory was still acceptable, with a focus on maintaining shipments. Downstream demand was weak, and the market trading atmosphere was quiet. The transaction center of acetic acid continued to shift downwards, and the price trend of acetic acid was weak.

On September 4th, the acetic acid market in North China remained stable for the time being

The acetic acid market in North China was temporarily stable, with delivery prices around 3,150 RMB/ton. On September 3rd, the price was lowered by 100 RMB/ton. The inventory of the enterprise was still acceptable, with a focus on maintaining shipments. Downstream factories and traders had weak demand, with a small amount following up on demand. The market trading atmosphere was average, and the focus of on-site transactions was low. In the short term, the price of acetic acid is running weakly.

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