1. Trade name: silicon metal (441 #)
2. Latest price (December 30, 2019): 11,833.33RMB/ton
The price of 441# silicon in each region is as follows:
The price range of metal silicon in Fujian is 11,300-11,400RMB/ton, that in Sichuan is 11,600-11,700RMB/ton, that in Kunming is 11,500-11,700RMB/ton, that in Shanghai is 12,400-12,600RMB/ton, that in Tianjin port is 11,900-12,000RMB/ton, that in Huangpu port is 11,900-12,000RMB/ton, that in Huangpu port is 11,900-12,000RMB/ton 。
3. Analysis points:
Recently, the domestic trade market began to start, because the domestic aluminum alloy factory stock up during the Spring Festival, the volume of information sheet increased. At present, social inventory continues to move down, supporting the current metal silicon price.
4. Aftermarket forecast: the aftermarket is mainly waiting for the change of downstream demand, and it is expected that the short-term stable operation of silicon metal is the main thing.
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