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SunSirs: Purchase price information of waste paper on June 8th, 2022
June 08 2022 10:48:47()

On June 8, 2022, the purchase price of waste paper in paper mills showed an increase. Today, 13 paper mills' prices increased, and one paper mill's prices decreased, with a maximum increase of 50 RMB/ton and a maximum decrease of 30 RMB/ton.

National waste adjustment by region today

Central China

Henan Taikang Longyuan Paper Co., Ltd. (from June 8), the price of waste paper increased by 30 RMB/ton. After adjustment, no invoice will be issued to the factory price: 2510 RMB/ton for special size paper and paper edge, 2480 RMB/ton for primary paper, 2390 RMB/ton for secondary paper, 2330 RMB/ton for currency and beer boxes, 2230 RMB/ton for cardboard boxes. Miscellaneous paper and single-layer coated paper 1740 RMB/ton.

Henan suixian Longsheng (formerly suixian Longyuan) paper industry (from June 8), the price of waste paper increased by 30 RMB/ton. Factory price without invoice after adjustment: Grade I paper: 2440 RMB/ton; Secondary paper: 2350 RMB/ton; Currency and beer box: 2290 RMB/ton; Flower carton 2190 RMB/ton; Miscellaneous paper and single-layer coated paper 1680 RMB/ton.

Hubei Jingzhou Nine Dragons Paper (from June 8), yellow waste will be increased by 30 RMB/ton. The adjusted arrival price is as follows: (1) grade a kraft paper: 2840 yuan; (2) Grade B kraft paper: 2620 yuan; (3) Grade AA: 2390 RMB/ton; (4) Class A: 2360 RMB/ton; (5) Grade B: 2320 RMB/ton; (6) Class C: 2250 RMB/ton; (7) Grade D: 2190 RMB/ton; (8) Class E: 2140 RMB/ton; (9) Beer box: 2250 RMB/ton; (10) Waste paper: 1980 RMB/ton.

Hubei Xiaogan Golden Phoenix Paper (from June 8), the price of waste paper will be increased by 30 RMB/ton. The adjusted factory arrival reference price (local): 2370 RMB/ton for class A, 2250 RMB/ton for class B, 2190 RMB/ton for class C and 2110 RMB/ton for class D.

Hunan Hengshan xinjinlong paper (from June 8), the price of waste paper will be reduced by 30 RMB/ton. After adjustment, the factory acceptance price including 3% VAT: Class A (pure yellow):2510 RMB/ton; Class B (including beer box): 2450 RMB/ton; Grade C: 2370 RMB/ton.

East China

Jiangsu Huai'an Guosheng paper (from June 8), the price of waste paper will be increased by 20 RMB/ton. Implementation after adjustment: AA: 2400 RMB/ton; A: 2330 RMB/ton, A1: 2280 RMB/ton, B: 2230 RMB/ton.

Jiangsu Wuxi Rongcheng paper (from June 8), the price of waste paper will be increased by 30 RMB/ton. After adjustment, no invoice will be issued to the factory for reference price: Class A 2360 RMB/ton; Class B: 2330 RMB/ton; Class C: 2270 RMB/ton.

Anhui Chuzhou Zhaolong paper (from June 8), the price of waste paper increased by 20 RMB/ton. After adjustment, no invoice will be issued to the factory for the externally transferred paper: 2460 RMB/ton for AA packing paper, 2420 RMB/ton for class a packing paper, and 2350 RMB/ton for class B packing paper. The original level t is cancelled and merged into level AA. Market purchase price: the market (Tianchang) baled paper is transferred to the same level at the same price, and the loose paper is 70 RMB/ton lower than that of the same level.

In South China Shanying (formerly Fujian Shanying) base (from June 8), the grade A, B, leftover, X and e of yellow waste will be increased by 30 RMB/ton. After adjustment, the price of domestic waste is: class a 2600 RMB/ton; Class B 2580 RMB/ton; Leftover materials 2580 RMB/ton; Class X 2520 RMB/ton; Class E 2400 RMB/ton; Small spinning pipe: 2010 RMB/ton; Books: 2290 RMB/ton; Office paper 2510 RMB/ton; Waste paper 2000 RMB/ton.

South China

Guangdong Zhaoqing Shanying paper (from June 8), the prices of a, B and leftover materials were increased by 30 RMB/ton, while others remained unchanged. The adjusted factory price: 2640 RMB/ton for class A, 2610 RMB/ton for class B, 2610 RMB/ton for leftover materials, 2430 RMB/ton for class X and 2280 RMB/ton for class E. A cattle grade C 2950 RMB/ton.

Guangdong Dongguan Jianhang Paper Co., Ltd. (from June 8), the price of waste paper increased by 30 RMB/ton. After adjustment, the purchase price of waste paper: super grade paper: 2710 RMB/ton, super grade paper B: 2610 RMB/ton, grade I pure pit card: 2570 RMB/ton, grade I paper: 2570 RMB/ton, grade II paper: (stop collecting), those with high impurity content (exceeding 3%) will not be collected.

Guangdong Jiangmen Qiaoyu Paper Co., Ltd. (from June 8), the price of waste paper increased by 30-50 RMB/ton. The price of waste paper is adjusted as follows: 2530 industrial paper edges (100% factory paper edges), 2500 industrial cartons (100% industrial cartons), 2470 RMB/ton of super grade paper sheets, 2420 RMB/ton of mixed market paper, and the remaining undetermined paper categories are not purchased temporarily.

Southwest China

Chongqing Liwen Paper Co., Ltd. (from June 8) raised the price of page paper by 40 RMB/ton, and the rest remained unchanged. After adjustment, the factory price will not be invoiced locally: 1) grade I (pure yellow board): 2430 RMB/ton, 2) grade II a (mixed paper): 2320 yuan, 3) grade II (fancy paper) 2300 RMB/ton. 4) Page sub paper a: 2370 RMB/ton. 5) Page sub paper B: 2350 RMB/ton. Note: there is price difference in other provinces.

Yunnan Yiliang Hongxing paper (from June 8), the price of waste paper will be increased by 20 RMB/ton. The adjusted price of waste paper of each grade is as follows: AAA grade: 2500 RMB/ton of whole wood pulp; Grade AA: 2400 RMB/ton; Class A: 2370 RMB/ton; A grade I pure yellow paper: 2340 RMB/ton. Class B: 2320 RMB/ton. Class B: 2270 RMB/ton. Grade C mixed paper: 2220 RMB/ton. C grade II mixed paper: 2170 RMB/ton. Large carton: 2170 RMB/ton. Grade C mixed paper: 2120 RMB/ton. Class I miscellaneous paper: 2060 RMB/ton. Class II miscellaneous paper: 1990 RMB/ton. Paper core tube: 1880 RMB/ton.

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