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SunSirs: On April 1st, the BR Market Rose Slightly
April 02 2022 14:04:14SunSirs(John)

Product Name: BR9000

The latest price (April 1): 14,240 RMB/ton

Analysis review

According to the monitoring of SunSirs, as of April 1, the domestic price of BR was 14,240 RMB/ton, a slight increase of 0.28% from the previous day; Domestic companies Haopu New Materials and Sichuan Petrochemical's BR plant were shut down, Zhenhua, Daqing and other BR plants were operating at a reduced load, the supply side tightened, and the expected shutdown of Maoming Petrochemical's accident boosted the bullish atmosphere; In addition, domestic petrochemical companies raised the ex-factory price of BR, and traders offered higher prices. According to the understanding of SunSirs, as of April 1, the ex-factory price of BR of PetroChina East China Sales Company Branch was 14,400 RMB/ton. Qilu, Daqing, Lande, Qixiang, Zhenhua’s BR market in East China reported 14,200~15,200 RMB/ton.

According to the monitoring of SunSirs, the price of raw material butadiene continued to remain high, and the cost support was relatively strong. As of April 1, the price of butadiene was 10,722 RMB/ton.

Market outlook

On the one hand, although there is support from the price of raw material butadiene; on the other hand, Sichuan Petrochemical and other companies plan to overhaul the butadiene plant, the supply side is tightening. It is expected that the BR market will continue to rise in the later period.

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