Product Name: Titanium Dioxide
Latest price on January 16th: 14,900 RMB/ton
Analysis review
On January 16th, the trading volume of titanium dioxide market was light. Recently, the titanium concentrate market has remained stable, with tight supply of goods, and the sulfuric acid market price has temporarily stabilized. As of January 16th, the cost pressure on titanium dioxide enterprises remained, and manufacturers' quotations were mostly firm. The demand for upstream and downstream factories was mainly for urgent procurement, and the willingness to stock up before the holiday was average. As of January 16th, the domestic quotation for sulfuric acid based pyrite type titanium dioxide was mostly between 14,000-15,700 RMB/ton; The quotation for rutile titanium dioxide was around 13,000-13,200 RMB/ton. The actual transaction price is negotiable.
Market outlook
In the short term, the titanium dioxide market is still mainly operating in a temporarily stable consolidation mode.
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