Price trend
According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, as of May 26th, the average price of industrial grade lithium hydroxide in China was 105,600.00 RMB/ton, a decrease of 0.19% compared to last Monday's price.
Analysis review
Recently, the domestic lithium hydroxide market had been operating weakly and steadily. Recently, the price of spodumene concentrate had remained stable, while upstream lithium carbonate prices had been slightly weak. Cost support was limited, and the supply side industry was operating at a low level. Demand follow-up was insufficient, and market supply was mainly based on long-term orders, with a small number of individual transactions. The pace of market trading had slowed down, and the focus of lithium hydroxide negotiations had shifted.
Upstream lithium carbonate: According to the monitoring of the commodity market analysis system of SunSirs, on May 24th, the reference price for lithium carbonate battery grade was 111,000.00 RMB/ton, a decrease of 3.81% compared to May 1st (115,400.00 RMB/ton). Recently, the upstream lithium carbonate price had still weakened, providing moderate support for the lithium hydroxide market.
Market outlook
According to Lithium Hydroxide analysts from SunSirs, the market had limited positive support, with a flat trading atmosphere and a strong wait-and-see sentiment. It is expected that the lithium hydroxide market may experience weak consolidation in the short term, and more attention should be paid to market news guidance.
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