As of the week of February 9, 2023, the net sales volume of wheat in the United States in 2022/23 was 209.800 tons, an increase of 60% over the previous week, but a decrease of 32% over the four-week average. The main buyers include Taiwan, China, China (39.500 tons), Japan (35.600 tons), Nigeria (33.000 tons, of which 30.000 tons were transferred from an unknown destination), Mexico (22.600 tons, of which another sales volume decreased by 900 tons) and (17.000 tons, of which 25.000 tons were transferred from an unknown destination, of which another sales volume decreased by 8.000 tons), but the sales volume to Egypt decreased by 500 tons, and the sales volume to Myanmar decreased by 300 tons. The net sales volume in 2023/24 was 23.000 tons, which were sold to Guatemala.
The export volume of that week was 500.100 tons, 7% lower than that of last week, but 25% higher than the four-week average. The main destinations include Japan (117.900 tons), Vietnam (64.000 tons), Mexico (63.800 tons), Egypt (59.500 tons) and the Philippines (58.400 tons).
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